Search results for 'I' (Page 102)

Search results for 'I' (Page 102)

Your search returned 1041 matches for I.

Youth Leader

AYS is the action and fellowship organization for senior youth in the local church. Under the leadership of an elected Youth leader, young people are to work…

Elementary School Board

Each school board member is appointed for his/her vision, commitment to Adventist education, and willingness to give time and talents toward the Godly education…

MMT Member

MMT is based on two premises: Every member is a minister. Every believer is uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit. He or she is to contribute to the health and…

Head Greeter and Greeters

When a person steps into a church for the first time, he or she evaluates the atmosphere. He asks himself: “Will they accept me? Will it be easy to make friends?…


The adult Sabbath school lesson is an exciting catalyst for probing the Bible. Varying in topic on a quarterly basis, our small groups study subjects as diverse…