Revelation Seminar held at the Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds.
Helping our neighbors when they are struggling, when they want to start living healthier, and when they want to know Jesus is a vital part of the Cicero Seventh-day Adventist Church. We are involved in a variety of ministries within our community and in mission in other countries.
Ministry Fair
A Ministry Fair was held at the church recently which gave church members the opportunity to learn more about the different ministries that are supported by the Cicero SDA Church. Members also had the opportunity to sign up to help with any of the ministries that they had an interest in.
Adventurers – Cicero Woodpeckers
For children ages 5 to 10, the Cicero Woodpeakers Adventurer program provides a wonderful way for young children to learn valuable skills, experience camping in…
Pathfinder Club
The Cicero Cherokee Pathfinder club works in partnership with the home, school and church. Our purpose is to lead young people into a redemptive relationship…
Foreign Missions
The Cicero church believes its strength should bless other churches around the world. Over the past 16 years the church has facilitated 850 short term foreign…
Healthful Living
The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes that the gospel not only gives us eternal hope, but it improves the quality of our life in the present. The principles…
Journey to Bethlehem
This inter-active journey through a live re-enactment of the birth of Jesus is an exciting way to explore the true Christmas story. Starting in the village of…
TV Ministry
Many people today are feeling the effects of an ever-intensifying society. Discouragement, stress, family and financial challenges leave many people looking for…
Women’s Ministries
Encouragement is a precious commodity that sometimes is in short supply. Our local women’s ministry team brings hope and joy through events that strengthen the…
Youth Ministries
Building bridges across the generation gap is a goal of the Cicero Church. From our weekly Sabbath School youth class, to Friday night Vespers, to social…