The MMT committee shall be made up of eight members who serve a two year term starting on May 1 of the first year and ending on April 30 of the second year. The term for half of the committee members will end on alternating years so that there is continuity from year to year. At the end of one’s term, committee members are either replaced or re-nominated for the new term. There is a term limit of two consecutive terms. A member is eligible to serve again on MMT once he or she sits out for at least one year. Whenever MMT meets, a quorum of five of the eight members are required to be present the entire meeting in order to conduct church business.
MMT Member Replacement Policy
1) On a designated Sabbath in April of each year, a membership list of the whole congregation shall be provided to the church at large. The church then will choose a selection committee of 10 persons from that membership list. The first 10 persons selected who say yes shall make up the committee. This committee will select four (4) new MMT members each year. A quorum of 8 of the 10 members of the selection committee is required in order to conduct business.
2) When choosing new members for MMT they must be members in “good and regular standing” at Cicero SDA church.
3) Current MMT members are eligible for re-election for an additional term but subject to the two consecutive term limit as set forth above.
4) Two (2) alternates must also be chosen by the selection committee. They will serve the balance of the term for any MMT member who resigns or is not able to fulfill his/her responsibility during their term.
5) When the six (6) names have agreed to serve, the list of four (4) new MMT members and two (2) alternates are presented to the church at large for a first and second reading. Following the vote of approval, the new MMT members will take office effective May 1 of the year.
MMT Voting Procedures
1) MMT will designate a Sabbath in April where voting of the MMT selection committee will occur.
2) Each person who is a member of Cicero SDA church shall receive a ballot when they come to church that Sabbath.
3) At least two MMT members are designated to hand out and explain ballots in the foyer up to the time of the last collection (beginning of sermon). After announcements, additional MMT members will be stationed at the ballot distribution tables in the foyer to explain the ballot process.
4) The ballot process is to be presented by the MMT chairperson or a designated MMT member at the end of announcement time. Other announcements will be minimized so that there will be adequate time to complete ballots(~10 minutes with background music). Deacons will be available to collect ballots. During the offering appeal, a reminder will be given that ballots shall be placed in offering plate if they had not been turned in during announcements. They will also be reminded that no ballots will be accepted once the sermon begins.
5) Those members of the congregation who complete their ballots prior to sermon time may hand them to any MMT member.
6) During the sermon, the ballots will be counted by the Head Elder, Head Deacon, and Head Deaconess or their respective designee. All ballots with less than 10 selected names are valid (whether 1 or 10 names are selected). Ballots with more than 10 names are invalid.
7) The names from the ballots will be ranked by vote in descending order. All ties will be alphabetized by last name. The names will be contacted during the week by the pastoral staff or their designee in the order of the number of votes. The Pastoral staff will continue going down the list until 10 persons have accepted to serve on the MMT selection committee.
8) The list of 10 names forming the MMT selection committee will be announced the following Sabbath.
9) The ten people nominated will meet afterwards to select new MMT members.